Happy Tuesday

Must Try

 Hope you all have a happy Tuesday. This is going to be an extremely vulnerable post. 

After talking on our live Sunday about my past, I realized some of you do not know my story. This is the first time I have put it in writing.

Hope you will all have an amazing Happy Tuesday after sharing this.

The Journey to our Happy Tuesday.

In 2001, I was prescribed pain medication after a serious back injury. I quickly became addicted and over the course of the next several years was on a terrible path of destruction.

In 2008, I finally gained control over my addiction. But not before bankrupting my health, my mind, and my family financially. With the support of Mark and my children, we slowly started to rebuild what I had destroyed.

During the detox period, I noticed my inability to focus and remember things. I was in a constant brain fog. The energy took to focus or remember things was overwhelming. Even the simplest tasks took so much effort! I was hoping it would be temporary and would clear as the drugs continued to clear out of my system. Unfortunately, that did not happen. I worked daily memorizing, writing things down, and staying in a constant routine, just to function as I had before the injury. I figured I had done irreparable damage and was resigned to the fact that this was my way of life now, my punishment.

Fast forward to 2017.

Mark and I had worked hard daily at rebuilding our lives. We purchased a home again and started new jobs in a different location. I continued my routines and got better and better at them daily! It felt like things were finally normalizing until an infection in my tooth changed things. I was prescribed several courses of antibiotics, leading me to use a probiotic, which broke me out in hives. My doctor prescribed steroids right before Christmas 2017.

Within the first two days of taking this prescription, the brain fog was back and just as intense as when I first started detoxing. I was flat terrified! All the work I had put in over the last nine years was gone. I spoke with the Doctor ( this time I looked for answers because I didn’t feel like it was a punishment that I deserved) he told me I needed to do an anti-inflammatory diet, stating the inflammation in my brain and body were causing the fog.

A new beggining with Keto.

I researched this and found keto! For the next several months I tried it on my own, finding it so difficult to give up the carbs. I loved bread & tortillas! I could make it a couple of days sometimes even a week and then backslide! Never feeling like the fog was lifting!

In July 2018 I stumbled on a friend’s post about magic drinks that put you in ketosis within an hour! Sign me up!!! From my first drink of PTk’s I COULD FOCUS!! I could finish my thoughts!! I could complete sentences!! The fog was gone!! Unless you’ve gone through this you do not know how exciting it truly was!


I have since discovered the effects I felt are normal after long periods of narcotic use, it’s just not discussed. I know someone else out there is suffering and they do not need to! My hope is by sharing my story I can help inspire or encourage someone else to seek an answer.

Happy Tuesday to all.



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